Learning web accessibility: my practical approach
If I had a penny for every time someone asked me how to start learning web accessibility, I’d probably be well on my way to becoming a millionaire by now. 🤑

But let me be clear: there’s no magic formula or shortcut to becoming proficient in this field. In my experience, at least, it’s a journey marked by constant learning, experimentation, and a willingness to face challenges head-on.
Web accessibility is an expansive field with a multitude of topics and issues, each bearing its own significance and complexity. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed when you first dive in. Been there! 😵💫
The official guidelines, known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), are undoubtedly valuable, but they can sometimes seem overly technical and daunting to beginners.
What worked for me
I decided to focus on one topic at a time, depending on the project I was working on at that moment. 🎯
I’d immerse myself in that topic, conducting thorough research and exploring all the possible scenarios and nuances associated with that particular issue.
This allowed me to incrementally build my expertise without getting swamped by the vastness of the subject.
But, the key component of my learning journey was the hands-on experience in both design and development.
I’ve adopted a practical approach since day 1, which not only accelerated my learning curve but also significantly improved my ability to teach web accessibility.
So, to those looking to learn web accessibility, my advice is to start focusing on your current project’s needs. Identify the specific accessibility issues that are most relevant and then delve deep into understanding and addressing them.
Remember, web accessibility is an ongoing learning process, so don’t be afraid to dive in and explore its many facets!